Family Ministries

Families come in all shapes and sizes and are made up of people who love one another with intentionality and commitment. You are worthy of love and belonging and we are excited to cultivate it with you! This is a place where children, youth, and families experience the living God in worship, relationships, and service. Our faith community seeks to nurture collective growth in love and compassion. All families are welcome to participate in family ministries at EUMC as you feel led by the Spirit.

  • Children

    Edmonds United Methodist Church is a place where children and families experience the living God in worship, relationships, and service.

    Children are ALWAYS welcome in our faith community - in worship, in fellowship, and in service. To help listen and learn, there are books, activities, and even space to play in the Narthex. Many of these materials change with the seasons. All are welcome to explore and use what works best for them. And If you need some more wiggle room, our Nursery is available!

    We offer a variety of children’s programs including multi-age Montessori Based Sunday school program called Godly Play during worship, and Club 4,5,6 for 4th, 5th, and 6th graders.

    And don’t forget Vacation Bible School this summer!

  • Youth

    It’s a beautiful and complex thing to be a young person and we strive to support our youth as they are blossoming into who God already knows them to be.

    EUMC Youth is a faith community of young folks exploring who and whose they are. A truly and radically welcoming community. Doing ministry and mission together. Going out into our community and beyond to share our unique gifts. Sharing the light and love of God in the world.

    All Middle and High School Youth are welcome to participate in a variety of opportunities throughout our faith community (not just with other youth!) Volunteer with the Food Bank, or join a spiritual formation class, we support your interests. Weekly Youth Group is from 6:00 to 8:00 pm with games and dinner.

  • Parenting

    We at EUMC recognize the parents and caregivers are the primary faith teachers of our young people. We strive to support families of all shapes, sizes, and ages with resources and relationship.

    Keep an eye out for opportunities for connection through baptism classes, book clubs, and family events throughout the year such as our annual Family Camp at Camp Indianola.

We welcome all families to join us in worship, in fellowship, and in service.

Get involved and get connected.


One of the great gifts we give one another is our presence in the faith community. We invite you to join us online or in person for worship and other groups focused on growing in our faith and bringing God’s message of compassion and justice to the world. If you are participating with young people - please fill out our once a year registration form.


God has gifted each of us with unique talents and interests. As a faith community, we have a deep desire to help those in our community claim their gifts - from our smallest to our tallest. We strive to offer a variety of ways to help you identify your gifts and explore ways to share God’s love and light here and in all places you are in the world. Volunteer with Family Ministries!

Contact Family Ministries

Nick Davenport, Director of Family Ministries
