
Curious about EUMC or interested in becoming a member?

Bring your questions to our next Newcomer Orientation with Pastor Jeremy and learn more about Edmonds UMC and the United Methodist Church. Orientations are held every two months in the church library after Sunday worship and require registration. A light lunch is served and we provide childcare for those with young kids. Please register by clicking the link below.

Choosing a new church can be difficult. Perhaps you’re leaving something old and familiar for something new. Maybe you’re new to town and want to check us out. Maybe it’s just time to listen to that deep hunger for a spiritual community - a place to connect with others on a spiritual path. EUMC is a loving congregation of people committed service, scripture, and spreading the light of Christ. We’re a Reconciling congregation, which means we welcome and affirm LGBTQ+ people at all levels of the church, and to us that means we truly welcome all people to worship with us.

We hope you’ll join us - we look forward to meeting you.

Our next Newcomer Orientation