About Us
No matter where you are on life’s journey.
No matter what you believe or doubt.
No matter how much or little you have.
No matter your race, gender, or immigration status.
And no matter whom you love.
You are beloved, you belong, and you are welcome here.
We say these words often to remind ourselves that even though the world sometimes places limits on belovedness or worth, God does not.
For whatever reason you’ve arrived here, know that you’re not alone. We’re each seeking something: new life in the midst of pain, a gracious community as life changes, a space to become more fully ourselves, or a group of people with whom we can make the world a more just and loving place.
Look around. Make yourself at home. We’re so glad you’re here.
Welcome to Edmonds United Methodist Church!
With full acknowledgement of our denominational history, we work towards truth, reconciliation, and liberation. We, Edmonds United Methodist Church, celebrate the many ways this congregation has shared God’s love with our neighbors since its founding on February 20, 1909. We celebrate our church’s decision to identify as a Reconciling church – one that openly affirms and includes all LGBTQIA+ folks in the life of our congregation. We celebrate our deep commitment to racial equity and justice. We celebrate our practice of welcoming and loving our neighbors evident through our Mobile Clinic that provided healthcare before the Affordable Care Act passed, through our Refugee Resettlement Team that accompanies 40 refugees today, and our Immigration Ministry Team that has organized the release and sponsor of numerous asylum seekers. We celebrate the love that this congregation has for every person.
It is with full recognition of our past and a deep commitment to a liberative God that we work for social justice, religious and political freedom, service to others in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ, and acceptance of all people regardless of age, race, color, creed, economic circumstance, ability, and sexual and gender identities. We invite our members to study scripture, encourage thoughtful debate and use of reason, confront the tough issues of our day as they correspond to our tradition, and boldly share our experience. We lead with our hearts, keep our minds open, and welcome everyone through our doors.
Ancestral Land Acknowlegement
We live, work, and worship on the ancestral lands of the Coast Salish people, most notably the Snohomish Tribe, who fished off these shores and gathered clams, cattails, and more in the marsh of Edmonds long before the arrival of settlers. We uphold their dignity and sovereignty as Nations unto themselves and seek to live in understanding and community with them.