Joint fellowship and worship with First African Methodist Episcopal Church
On Sunday, April 23, First AME church invited us for fellowship and worship at their historic building in Seattle.
“How great it is for brothers and sisters (and all people) to join together in unity.”
We were welcomed into the beautiful historic sanctuary by the FAME Praise choir with our own Denise Williams (our Church Administrator) leading the first song with her amazing beautiful voice! Pastor Anderson welcomed us into a service of unity and celebration of our joint Methodist roots. He spoke of meeting with Pastor Donna and the decision to create some intentional worship. Creating cross-cultural relationships is important to him and his church. “This is something that is really dear to me, because when brother’s and sister’s dwell in unity we can change things.”
“To love as Jesus loves is to move continuously around the wheel of honest assessment – to the calling to change – to the forgiveness of failures – and back again.”
Pastor Donna

On Sunday, May 19, EUMC welcomed FAME members to our church for fellowship and worship
“We are well aware of the fact that the AME church was born because of the racism of white Methodists. We are very grateful for the opportunity to come back together and to recognize our common love for Jesus Christ. So thank you for being here.”
Pastor Donna Pritchard, EUMC
“Something can happen when we hear each other . . . Brothers and sisters, we do not want to invoke our language on you. Neither do we want you to invoke your language on us. Let us learn your way. Let us learn your customs. Let us learn your values, so that you can then hear us and learn to hear our voice, our values, and understand our words. We need you and you need us. We all need each other for this world to survive.”
Rev. Dr. Carey G. Anderson, FAME