Got a question, concern, or a proposal you or your team would like to take to the Admin Board?
See the guidelines below
Process for Communication to the Administration Board 1/8/2025
Purpose: To define the pathway for requests and concerns to the Administrative Board to ensure receipt of and timely responses to communications.
Leave a message is left on the EUMC voice mail system, or send an email to the Admin Board (AB) email. Messages are reviewed by the office staff 1-2 times a week. Issues will be handled by the Pastor or office staff as appropriate. Those issues that require AB discussion and/or intervention will be forwarded to the appropriate AB member. A follow-up communication from the office staff or AB member should occur within 1 week with the resolution or next steps outlined. When leaving a message, please identify yourself and a return number, the issue or concern and desired outcome if known.
Phone number: Church Number & Ext.: (425) 778-2119 Ext. 119
Admin. Board Direct Number: (425) 300-6023
Email address:
I conversation with an AB member can also take place but should include the same information.
Process for Submitting proposals for AB approval:
Discuss the idea or proposal to the Appropriate Standing Committee Board Member. The discussion should include how the project is in alignment with the mission of making disciples of Christ and the Strategic Goals of EUMC. The proposal can be discussed further with the Standing committee members and the committee can assist you in preparing the proposal to and can set a date for the presentation to the AB.
The written proposal should follow the SMART GOAL format:
S-Specific with short- and long-term outcomes
M-measurable outcomes
A-Attainable and realistic project and goals
R-relevant to the mission and vision of EUMC
T- realistic timeline for completion
What are you proposing? State the project in a clear manner with supporting data, background information, and potential impact. Include both the positive and negative consequences of completing the project and of not completing it. Short term project or ongoing program?
Include the specific actions, potential next steps, possible hurdles and solutions. Who will do what when and how? What is the schedule of updates to present to the AB?
Include costs or a budget request to include all work to completion and any ongoing or yearly costs.