Solar Panel Project is complete and we will soon be working off our own solar power.
Join us on Sunday, September 15 when we celebrate by “Flipping the Switch"!
Made possible by grants from the State of Washington, Washington State University (WSU) Energy Program, and the United States Government Inflation Reduction Act.
EUMC Solar Power Project
July 12 - begin the attachment of panels on the roof.
Background on Solar Project
Thanks to funding from the State of Washington, the Washington State University (WSU) Energy Program, and the United States Government Inflation Reduction Act, Edmonds United Methodist Church will be installing a 100 kW solar array that will allow us to generate 100% of our annual electricity usage.
The church was eligible for these grants for the State of Washington Community Solar Expansion Program because of the work the church does in support of low-income families. The qualifying EUMC programs reviewed by the state are:
Housing the Edmonds Food Bank
Operating the Debbie Leraas Children’s Center
Mission giving from the Kathlyn James Fund
Refugee resettlement program
Mission funds provided to members of the community in need of emergency rent and food assistance
The Community Solar Expansion Program will provide up to 75% of the cost to install and commission the solar panels, after any other grant funding. In addition, the Federal Government’s Inflation Reduction Act created a way for not-for-profit organizations to receive the equivalent of a grant for up to 30% of the cost of installation of solar panels. And, finally, The State of Washington exempted the installation of solar panels from sales taxes lowering the cost of installation.
This project is a cooperative partnership among Edmonds UMC, the State of Washington, Washington State University (WSU) Energy Program, and the United States Government Inflation Reduction Act.
June 13 - Solar panel brackets installation begins