From Our Stewardship Team
Changing our Budget in Response to Priority Goals
by Ed Egerdahl, Church Treasurer
This informative diagram will illustrate how we have changed our financial allocations to best reflect our strategic priorities. In this chart, you will see the difference in our actual spending for 2023 as compared to the 2024 current year. It demonstrates a shift in our spending percentages. As you can see there are a couple of these pie slices that have gone down, and many others have gone up, which is just what we intended in our strategic plan. We have actually accomplished this shift already in our first year, and will continue with these strategic priority goals in mind in our 2025 budget as well.
Your pledge is important to this process for the finance team to know what they can anticipate as predictable, promised revenues. The church does have other sources of income but these are unpredictable. The pledges during this drive will make up the Lion’s share of what we can realistically count on as funding available to meet our commitments. As is the case with any organization who has established expenses but varying sources of revenue, it’s sometimes a juggling act to keep bills paid and priority commitments met.
What’s a Pledge?