Preventing Gun Violence and Saving Lives

Efforts to prevent gun violence and promote safety in all our communities is part of the work of EUMC’s Advocates for Justice group.   After the alarming rise in gun violence in the past 2 years, progress was made in the 2022 legislative session that I’d like to share. The source of all this information is the Alliance for Gun Responsibility, a Washington State organization devoted to prevention of gun violence in all its forms. Several new life saving bills have been introduced in the 2023 legislative session, and the Advocates for Justice group is working to support them.  

 We are thankful to our lawmakers for passing SIX vital gun safety bills in 2022!

  • Of special note is ESSB 5078 which restricts high-capacity magazines that hold more than 10 rounds of ammunition.  This evidence-based policy prohibits manufacture, importation, distribution, and sale of these in Washington.  These were used in the Mukilteo, Burlington and the Café Racer shootings and many others in the U.S.

  • Also, HB 1630 extends safeguards passed in 2021 to reject armed intimidation in public community situations.  Last year, open carry of weapons was prohibited at the Capitol, protests, and demonstrations.  HB 1630 extends this safeguard to public local government meetings and prohibits the knowing carry and possession at school board meetings and election related offices and facilities. 

 Myths and Facts

During its annual luncheon, the Alliance highlighted several persistent myths that hamper progress in making our communities safer.  Their research and data-based approach sheds light on these myths.   And as one of the speakers at the Alliance luncheon said, “we are not fighting against guns; we are fighting for safety.”  A few of the myths vs facts are:

MYTH:  Gun violence prevention is controversial.

FACT:  Poll after poll shows that a majority of Americans support stronger gun laws.  A whopping 90% of voters support expanding background checks to all gun sales.

MYTH:  Arming victims with a gun will protect them from domestic violence.

FACT:  There is NO EVIDENCE suggesting that gun ownership increases victim safety.  Instead, research suggests that the presence of any gun increases the risk of homicide.

MYTH:  Someone experiencing suicidal thoughts will always find a way to complete suicide whether with a gun or other means.

FACT:  9 out of 10 people who survive a suicide attempt do not go on to die by suicide.  That is why securing access to firearms-the most lethal means-works to reduce suicide.

MYTH:  Gun violence is a mental health issue.

FACT:  Individuals with mental health challenges are far more likely to be the victim of gun violence than the perpetrator.  Other industrialized countries experience similar levels of mental illness but significantly lower levels of gun violence.

MYTH:  Gun laws aren’t effective because criminals don’t follow the law.

FACT:  Strong gun laws have been proven to reduce gun violence.

Thank you for reading this!  If you are interested in more information or have questions, please email