Confirmation. dig deeper.
An invitation…
...to explore, question, delight in, wrestle with and examine church and faith.
It’s more than Sunday School, it’s different than youth group….. It can be more than just something your parents make you do.
WHAT IS CONFIRMATION? Confirmation is a time when a youth publicly "confirms" their intention to live the vows of the baptismal covenant and become an official member of their local congregation and The United Methodist Church. For those who have been baptized, they will be confirming that the vows taken on their behalf are now vows they choose to live by. For those not baptized, it is an opportunity to learn, choose baptism, and confirm that they are choosing to live a Christian life. Each confirmand will participate in a 15-week period of study and fellowship in preparation for membership in the church. Through discussion, videos, service projects, and more we will explore what faith means, why the Church exists, who Jesus is, and why it is important for you! Upon successful completion, confirmands will have the opportunity for membership at Edmonds UMC.
WHO IS THIS FOR? Students in grades 7 through 12 who understand the teachings of the Church and want to decide for themselves whether to claim these beliefs as their own are eligible to participate in confirmation.
COST Cost is $100 per student to cover class materials and Bible that will be presented at orientation, and the retreat in April. ***Scholarships are available.
WHEN DOES CONFIRMATION MEET? The program will start with a kick-off for the student(s) and mentors in February and will conclude with Confirmation Sunday on June 5, 2022. On Sunday mornings, confirmands will attend one worship service of their choice. There will be three regular confirmation events per month. Special events may be added and a calendar will be provided at the beginning of the sessions. Meeting dates and times TBD based on common availability.
CONFIRMAND COMMITMENT Students are expected to attend and complete as follows:
● CLASS: May miss up to 3 sessions. Makeup work may be assigned for missed weeks and expected to be completed and turned in by the next class. Extreme circumstances need to be discussed with Risa.
● WORSHIP SERVICES: May miss up to 3 Sundays when the class meets.
● WORK ASSIGNMENTS: Bible reading, class journal, sermon notes need to be completed each week
● SPECIAL EVENTS: Classes, orientation, and retreat are required. Special worship services are encouraged.
● CLASS SERVICE PROJECTS: Students are required to participate in 4 hours of service time.
● ACOLYTING OR OTHER WORSHIP PARTICIPATION: Students are required to do this at least two times in Sanctuary service. Acolyting (lighting the candles and helping with other worship elements), reading of the weekly scripture, or leading prayers are how students will participate actively in worship service leadership.
● CLOSING INTERVIEW: Each confirmand is assigned to an Edmonds UMC pastor for an interview the week before Confirmation Sunday.
● Confirmation is a serious commitment and takes priority over other activities. If a student must miss any of the above, notification is required as soon as a conflict arises. For questions contact Risa Vargas, risav@edmondsumc.org
MENTORS Confirmation is the beginning of a conversation about what it means to be a Christian, living out your faith, your commitment, and God’s call. A mentor doesn’t need to be a trained theologian or someone who has all the answers. Rather, a mentor is an adult who is mature in the faith and can walk alongside a young person throughout the confirmation journey. Each confirmand will be paired with an adult in the life of the church who will serve as that student’s mentor. Mentors will be selected by pastors, vetted, and must submit to a background check. Our church’s safe gatherings policies will be abided by within all interactions.
Confirmation begins on February 13th, 2022.